By Dan McGrath
Catholic Schools Week brought the Leo Community together in ways that were informative, uplifting and entertaining.
The debut event was a Peace and Unity Mass at the Faith Community of St. Sabina on Sunday, January 26. The church was filled for Rev. Michael Pfleger’s high-energy liturgy, which featured a performance of “Lift Every Voice” by the world-renowned Leo Choir. The congregation sang along, then burst into enthusiastic applause at the song’s conclusion.
Each day of the week a student-led morning prayer involved the entire student body and was live-streamed via the school web site to alums and friends of Leo and anyone else who wished to participate.
Incentives offered each class for various ways of raising money for the missions Leo supports included dress-down days, pizza days and no-homework days.
On Wednesday, “Cocoa on the Curb” was celebrated along 79th Street outside the school. Leo students and Leo Parent Club volunteers distributed cups of hot cocoa, free of charge, to pedestrians and motorists passing by on 79th Street before school started. More than 200 “customers” availed themselves of the early-morning pick-me-up.
On Thursday, the entire student body gathered in the auditorium for a prayer service in honor of first responders, service providers, community partners, teachers and all who serve the Leo Family and sacrifice so much for the surrounding community. Sixth District CPD Commander Michael Tate and a delegation of officers were among those recognized, along with Father Pfleger and representatives from Leo’s community-partner organizations.
Leo’s Theology Department worked with the student body to put the event together.
Faculty member Daniel Ridges offered an opening prayer, and Leo senior Christian Whiteside served as MC. The world-renowned Leo Choir performed, and junior Steven Jackson led the assembly in the singing of “Our God.” Juniors Chase Jordan and Russell Linder and freshman Charles Washington delivered readings from Scripture, and freshman Austin Knight recited a poem he had written for the occasion.
A representative from each of Leo’s four classes joined Father Pfleger, Commander Tate and Class of ’93 alumnus Charles Watkins in the lighting of a peace candle. Principal Shaka Rawls offered a special prayer for teachers, and the Choir closed the program with its version of “Lift Every Voice.”
Solemnity gave way to levity on Friday when students and faculty tangled in a basketball game in the Leo Gym. A team from each class played one quarter, while the iron-person faculty toughed it out the entire game, with the exception of President Dan McGrath, who played ball at Leo 57 years ago and refused to be lured out of retirement, choosing instead to spectate.
Varsity and lower-level basketball players were excluded from the student lineup, but the youngsters still won handily, a tribute to superior depth and the fact that Leo boasts a lot of fine athletes within the student body. Junior Russell Linder touched off an enormous roar with a putback dunk.
Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Goodloe and Ms. Sotelo were among the standouts for the faculty. Senior Gavin Donald’s buzzer-beating three-pointer lifted the final margin to 18 points, but the students stormed the court anyway.
Fair to say a good time was had by all.