During these uncertain times, all of us are faced with unprecedented issues and needs. Like our families, Leo High School is forced to make adjustments because of this global pandemic that affects all of us. In the hope of averting a desperate financial strain on our families, Leo is setting up both an Emergency Relief Fund and a Tuition Deferment Program to assist them.

The Bill Kay COVID-19 Relief Fund has made gift cards available to Leo families who can use some help buying groceries, filling prescriptions or acquiring other household necessities. It’s our desire at this time to keep access to our building to a minimum, so information on how to obtain the cards will be relayed to you. To apply: https://forms.gle/jGPgzG498TsVQfseA

The Bill Kay COVID-19 Relief Tuition-Deferment Program will place a reprieve of 30 days or more on your tuition payments. The deferment applies to families who are current on their tuition obligations and make their payments using our FACTS tuition-management system.

The program does not forgive your monthly payment; rather, it moves the payments back a month, or for as long as we’re out of school. You will still be responsible for the payments, but the payment cycle will be extended 30 days or more. If you wish to apply, please fill out the accompanying form. Direct questions to Ms. Tracy Crenshaw, our tuition manager, at tcrenshaw@leohighschool.org.

Both the Emergency Fund and the Tuition-Deferment Program are made possible through the generosity of Ray Siegel, a Leo alum from the Class of 1965. Mr. Siegel has provided Leo with a grant to fund both programs in honor of fellow alum Bill Koloseike ’45, who passed away at age 92 earlier this month.

A World War II-era Marine Corps veteran, Mr. Koloseike prospered as head of the Bill Kay Auto Group, which operated nine dealerships throughout the Chicago area. But he never forgot his Leo roots and was extraordinarily generous to his alma mater for many years. He is a member of the Leo Hall of Fame, and the Leo Alumni Association presented him with its Man of the Year Award in 2009.

It’s through the generosity of alums like Mr. Koloseike and Mr. Siegel that Leo continues to thrive. Even in these uncertain times, we are striving to maintain our educational focus and fulfill our educational mission.

With the school building closed indefinitely, all coursework has been moved on-line. The administration is in contact with teachers and students; anyone with questions about the process is asked to email Principal Rawls at srawls@leohighschool.org or Academic Coordinator Ms. Fleck at jfleck@leohighschool.org.

Principal Rawls reminds all parties that this is not a holiday break, and learning must continue while we are away from school.

All sports and other extracurricular activities have been suspended until further notice. The Alumni Banquet scheduled for April 24 has been tentatively rescheduled for Sept. 25. An announcement on graduation, scheduled for May 10, will be made as soon as a decision is reached.

We look forward to a resumption of our normal routines as soon as humanly possible. In the meantime, we ask that you follow all federal, state and local guidelines in the interest of remaining healthy and safe.

Please know you are in our prayers.

The Leo High School Administrative Team  

To apply for the 30-day deferment you must click here: https://forms.gle/Xbgw3H3p5G1cEdff8